This morning I got on the bicycle to go to school only to discover that the rear tire was flat. I had to take the tram and the train to school, as I did for most of June. After class, as I waited for the train to go home, I recognized how much I enjoy riding the train. I do not miss driving a car. It is a more social form of transportation and less stressful. My schoolmate from South Africa told me today that he has only driven to class once, after paying CH21 francs (about $21) for about 3 hours of parking. In general the Swiss government prefers that you do not drive. In fact, on most street crossings, cars (not busses) have to stop to let pedestrians cross. The pedestrian has the right of way. Try crossing a street in San Juan, Miami, or Manhattan!

So, to honor the train system, and my mentors, the Lumière Brothers, I made this short video. I also wanted to shoot and edit the entire thing with the iPhone. For my filmmaker friends and students, I shot it with the iPhone 4s using an excellent app called FILMiC Pro (recommended to me by Allan Tépper). I edited it in the iPhone 4s using iMovie. Once finished, I uploaded it to my Vimeo account. From there I copy the embed code and paste it into the blog. We’ve come a long way, baby!

Enjoy the ride!


  1. My wife Tina is now teaching at USC in downtown Los Angeles and she too has exchanged her car for the MetroLine. She parks at the local station and commutes to school while she relaxes by playing mind games on her hand-held device. She tells everyone she can about her love of the train.

    As one of your film friends, I am in awe of your mastery of iPhone 4s movie technology—shooting, editing, uploading, copying, embedding and pasting your way to providing entertaining self-expression. Bravo!

  2. We have come a very long way :D, The quality of the video was surprisingly good, I’m still on the blackberry =( . One day at a time…

  3. The video looks great!!
    I, as well, don’t use the car anymore, DF traffic is impossible so I ride the bus, which is fantastic or the bike to work. We just need more people to join us.
    Peace out!

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