On April 27th 2019, I had the honor to see my brother Héctor Abruña being inducted into the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in Washington DC.

“Members are elected to the National Academy of Sciences in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. Membership is considered one of the highest honors that a scientist can receive. Current NAS membership totals approximately 2,380 members and nearly 485 foreign associates, of whom approximately 190 have received Nobel prizes.”

Some of the most famous members include Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Margaret Mead, John Dewey, Sydney Kustu, Francis Crick, and Claire E. Max, among many more.

Héctor is the first Puertorican inducted into the National Academy of Sciences. I am very proud of him.

Enjoy the short video of the induction ceremony.


  1. Thanks for sharing dear professor.

  2. Hallo Ruben, wir sind sehr froh, dass Dein Bruder in dieser Akademie sein Wirken und sich weiter realisieren kann. Gratuliere…, da darf man doch recht stolz sein! – Was uns nun fehlt, ist jener vor etwa zehn (?) Jahren gesehenen Film über das Experiment einer Gruppe von Deinem Bruder in Puerto Rico, in einem architektonisch einzigartigen Haus. Kannst Du mir und Carmen mitteilen, wo wir diesen Film wieder finden, damit wir ihn nochmals anschauen können. – Danke und liebe Grüsse: Carmen und Julius

  3. Muy orgullosa de nuestra familia!! Besos Pilar

  4. Congrats Tito! That’s awesome that he is the first from Puerto Rico to be inducted

  5. Muy orgulloso por sus logros (que son muchos más que lo que se reseña
    sobre su entrada a la Academia Nacional de Ciencias),por ser mi hermano
    (junto con Rubén) y por habernos permitido compartir ese momento juntos.
    Fernando Abruña

    1. ¡Se me saltaron las lágrimas!
      Gracias a ti y a Rubén, no solo por ser mis hermanos, sino por ser como son!

  6. ¡Muy orgullosa de nuestra familia!

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