On Sunday April 28 we set clocks forward 1 hour to live in European Summer Time. How long did it take us to switch from winter to spring? Watch the video to find out.Read More →

More than 50 cm of snow (almost two feet) have fallen in fewer than three days. And more is coming. This is what our garden looks like during these white sculptural days.Read More →

After more than 6 years that include research and fundraising, Holy Shit (formerly titled Shit Happens) is in production! Read on and enjoy three short videos.Read More →

Antes del brote de la COVID-19 visité mi parque favorito en Puerta de Tierra, Puerto Rico y escuché muchas melodías. Before the COVID-19 outbreak I visited my favorite park in Puerta de Tierra, Puerto Rico, and heard many melodies.Read More →

During these days of Covid-19, I know someone who is oblivious to it and will not get infected. You got to see it to believe it.Read More →