I was a fan of dolma for many years, but stopped eating them because I found them so acidic they sometimes provoked reflux. That’s because I had only eaten the canned or pre-packaged versions from stores and restaurants. “Known since antiquity, dolmadaki or dolma are grape leaves wrapped around a filling. They are common in Greece, Turkey, and the Middle East.”¹
In February, a neighbor moved out and gave us a grape bush they had planted in a large pot. Now, in summer, the bush is back to life and producing healthy tender leaves. I cut a bunch, blanched, cooled, stuff, hand-rolled, and steamed them. We tried two fillings: the traditional one of rice, garlic, onions, pine nuts, mint leaves, parsley, raisins, and cinnamon; and our own version of quinoa, fennel, scallions, mint leaves, and raspberries. They are delicious, healthy, and with a very subtle tangy flavor, far away from the acidic commercial versions. I am a fan again.
Enjoy the photos of the grape bush and the steamed dolmas. ¡Buen provecho!
¹From Wikipedia.

Se ven divinas! Qué buen trabajo hicieron! A mí también me fascinas las dolmadaki. Las como en un restaurante griego, aquí en Miami, que se llama María’s. Estoy segura que las hechas en casa no se igualan a ninguna enlatada o hecha en un restaurante. La próxima vez llego a comerlas con ustedes.
Me gusta la idea. En Zürich, Miami, o donde nos encontremos la próxima vez.