La Casa Ausente / The Absent House played in 11 cities this past weekend 20-22 Nov. as part of the 2015 Sürdürülebilir Yaşam Film Festivali (Sustainable Living Film Festival) held in 20 cities around Turkey.

We thank Pinar Oncel, Gamze Sulcuk, and Tuna Ozcuhadar, the Festival’s engine, for their kind treatment and warm attentions. We congratulate them for running such an inspiring event! They are a dynamic and committed trio who managed and supervised the work of dozens of volunteers across the country. The volunteers did the subtitling, poster, programs, running the venues, scheduling, plus hundreds of other equally important tasks that are pertinent to a film festival. The festival, in its 8th edition, had some support from NGO’s but 90% of the work was done by volunteers who, like the trio, also believe in using films to raise awareness about urgent issues regarding the Planet’s welfare and about living a healthier, saner and more sustainable life.

Here are some photos from the screening and the bit of sightseeing Petra and I did in Istanbul during what proved to be a memorable but (too) short weekend. Enjoy.


  1. Beautiful Festival run mainly by volunteers – and beautfil pics; good luck for your next project :-)

  2. very cool… time to start funding the next project while riding this wave!

    1. Author

      You’re right.
      I’m researching the next one already, and news of it will come early next year.
      Thanks for your continued support.

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