The Mediterranean Sea, the mistral winds, and its history make Marseille a sensorially captivating city. Petra and I spent the last two weeks of May exploring many of its arrondissements. We even sailed to Frioul Island, the shy sister of the Chateau d’If Island, where the Count of Montecristo spentRead More →

Marseille, the second largest city of France, is a melting pot of cultures, races, and traditions. Many Parisians deride it as a dirty city, “where Africa begins”. Obviously a racist comment. To me it is a vibrant, dirty, noisy, sunny, colorful, warm city, washed by the wonderful Mediteranean Sea, withRead More →

During our recent visit to Marseille, we discovered the skinniest house in the world, designed by Erwin Wurm. It is located inside the Vieille Charité in the old Panier quarter of France’s second largest city. Make room and enjoy the photos.Read More →

Take 1 minute of your day to enjoy the view of a Prunus serrulata or Japanese Cherry tree. It is in full spring bloom in the middle of a residential complex nearby, oblivious to traffic noise, waltzing to the tune of the slight wind. It will calm and re-center youRead More →

On January 28, 2019, I received my Swiss passport, but on March 28, along with over a thousand other new citizens, I celebrated it. Mayor Corine Mauch had extended an invitation to all new Swiss citizens residing in the city of Zürich to join her in a celebration. I amRead More →

About two years ago, the forest, which is practically our backyard, went through a managed deforestation process.* Hundreds of trees were cut. While walking with Mia along the forest, as we often do in the afternoons, I saw a bird house sitting on the fresh stump of a pine tree.Read More →

Petra, Mia, and I spent a week in the village of Sent in Canton Graubünden, cross-country skiing and trekking. It is a beautiful spot in the southeastern Swiss Alps. I captured many images of the village and its mountainous snowy surroundings. Enjoy them!Read More →

Cada vez que visito el cantón montañoso de los Grisones deseo aprender el romanche, uno de los cuatro idiomas nacionales de Suiza. El romanche también conocido como retorromanche es una lengua romance (latín) y por ende se asemeja al castellano y al italiano. Entenderlo en su forma escrita es relativamenteRead More →